Inspirational Orkney images sought for photographic competition
The unique heritage, history and archaeology of Orkney are the focus of a special photographic competition set to be launched in the islands today (Friday 24th June).
Organised by Orkney Tourism Group, the competition aims to gather fresh, exciting and inspirational images of Orkney.

In addition to a cash prize of £250 for the overall competition winner, entrants could see their work used in Orkney’s next tourism brochure, highlighted on the Visit Orkney website and used on social media feeds, with full credit.
Photographers of all skill levels are being invited to enter a maximum of three images with the theme ‘Orkney – Islands that stir the soul’.
An expert panel will select a shortlist of six photographs, with OTG members voting to determine the winner of the cash prize.
Kerry Wilson, project officer for Orkney Tourism Group, said: “Orkney is a wonderful place for photographers, both in terms of the sheer variety of subject matter and the tremendous light we enjoy, particularly over the summer months. Although our famous attractions have been well photographed over the years, we want to encourage everyone who has a camera to get out there and see if they can capture some really fresh and innovative images of Orkney’s history, heritage and archaeology. Everyone who visits the islands knows how much they stir the soul, so the challenge for competition entrants is to try and reflect those feelings within an image.”

Closing date for the competition is 9:00am on Monday 12th September 2016. To enter, please email your photograph to and include the image name and the location in Orkney where it was taken, your name, address and telephone number. The photographs must be submitted in the following format:
- High Resolution
- Full colour
- Supplied as a jpeg (can be compressed)
- If more than 10mb in size, please use a file sharing site like We Transfer (free to use) or supply in a .zip file