A chief executive is being sought to lead the newly formed Destination Orkney partnership, which aims to responsibly boost tourism in the islands over the next seven years.
A recruitment process for the new position has been launched, representing a key step in the implementation of the Destination Orkney initiative.
Historically, tourism in Orkney has been co-ordinated by an Area Tourism Partnership. However, partnership members recently agreed to transform what was principally a consultative and information-sharing group into a more dynamic and integrated body called Destination Orkney, with the Orkney Tourism Group (OTG) at its core.
Find out more about Orkney and the role with our short video
The principal partners in the new group are Destination Orkney (formerly OTG), Orkney Islands Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, VisitScotland, Historic Environment Scotland and Scottish Natural Heritage.
Destination Orkney will be responsible for the delivery of an action plan focused on achieving the 2025 vision for tourism in Orkney, seeking to make a step change in destination marketing and management, and responsibly growing tourism spend in the islands from £31 million to £40 million.
Destination Orkney, Orkney Islands Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and LEADER are jointly funding the new chief executive’s post.
“The appointment of a high calibre chief executive will be critical to the success of Destination Orkney and our new, strategically driven approach to tourism in the islands,” said Gareth Crichton, chairman of Destination Orkney. “Delivering our vision for the future of tourism in Orkney, with an emphasis on responsible, well-managed growth, will be a considerable challenge for whoever lands the role.

“However, we’re confident the opportunity of working in Orkney, which already enjoys a global reputation as a destination - one with enormous potential - will be a strong draw for some of the best individuals within the industry.”
Find out more about this role and how to apply via our recruitment partner Aspen People's website.
The closing date for applications is Tuesday 3rd April 2018 at midnight.
For a confidential initial discussion about the role please contact Nigel Fortnum or Lauren Neil at Aspen People on 0141 212 7555.
The post is intended to be permanent, but will be funded for an initial period until June 2020. This project is part-funded by the Orkney LEADER Programme 2014-2020.