Innovation Centre - Orkney
Hatston Pier Road
KW15 1ZL
Scottish-based Orbital Marine Power (Orbital) is a visionary renewable energy company focused on the application of its pioneering floating turbine technology that can supply predictable power from the world’s tidal streams and ocean currents, every day, regardless of the weather.
As global efforts to reduce carbon emissions intensify across economies and through essential industries, demand for low-carbon energy is increasing and market premiums are emerging for solutions that offer dependable clean energy that is neither linked to the wind nor the sun.
Orbital is the market leader in the race to commercially harness the as-yet untapped, unique energy source powered from the orbits of the Earth and Moon around our sun and already operates the world’s most powerful tidal turbine, the 2MW O2.
Orbital is launching its commercial growth trajectory into a 100GW+ global market with the delivery of its first, build-ready, multi-MW tidal projects that benefit from already-secured, Contract for Difference (CfD), power contracts with the UK Government.