The Offshore Wind Research and Innovation (R&I) Programme is the flagship innovation competition for offshore wind searching for innovative solutions that can deliver offshore wind faster, cheaper and at lower risk.

The programme is run by EMEC, and sponsored by West of Orkney Windfarm.

The programme aims to support companies to explore ways to overcome specific technical challenges in offshore wind development while embedding economic benefits in Scotland.


  • Reduce time, cost and risk of offshore wind roll out in high energy environments.
  • Accelerate innovation, enhancing R&I capacity in Scotland.
  • Create jobs and help businesses grow, bringing skills, capabilities and economic benefit closer to wind farm projects.

Innovation calls

A series of innovation calls will address different challenge areas identified by the West of Orkney Windfarm and other sponsors, spanning technology selection, installation logistics, operations and maintenance, sustainable solutions, offshore robotics, digital twins and other cross-cutting innovations. See: challenge areas.

The programme’s first innovation call searched for solutions to two specific challenge areas identified and prioritised by the programme:

  • understanding metocean conditions at and en route to the West of Orkney Windfarm site; and
  • design for short weather window installations.

29 applications from supply chain companies were received, with three companies - TRIOS Renewables, Seaview Sensing and Next Ocean - being awarded contracts to progress with their innovative solutions. For more details on call 1, visit: Offshore Wind innovation call winners announced

The next innovation call is due to open in February 2025 and will be targeting solutions for:

  • Weather forecasting; and
  • Turbine access in rough seas.

Visit R&I Programme innovation calls for updates.

Become a sponsor

Accelerate innovation in key challenge areas, improve early supply chain engagement and access world-leading offshore energy testing and demonstration expertise.

Check out the Sponsor Prospectus for more details on the benefits and sponsorship options.