Conditions and benefits of Creative Orkney membership

Conditions of Membership:

  • Work must be of an appropriately high quality and standard, designed or made in Orkney.
  • Vetting will NOT normally be required, if prospective member is known to and approved by the majority of the Committee.
  • Work must be original to the maker with no plagiarism.
  • If in the business sector, evidence of relevant insurance and registration with HMRC should be supplied.
  • If in the education sector, provision of relevant qualifications should be supplied.
  • Applicants must be both living and working in the Orkney Islands.
  • Applicants must be deriving part of their living from their work.
  • If wishing to be on Creative Trail, regular and publicised opening hours must be provided and adhered to.

Benefits of Membership:

  • Eligibility for listing in Creative Orkney Trail and Brochure, leaflets, posters, display boards
  • Full listing on website, with membership logo and links to own website if applicable
  • Opportunity to be “Featured Art/Craft/Designer” through the blogs on website
  • Opportunity to participate in group advertising e.g. The Islander, Scottish Field, Northlink brochure
  • Links to other relevant organisations, e.g. Destination Orkney, VisitScotland, Craft Scotland
  • Subsidised attendance at national exhibitions or trade fairs
  • Display opportunities at tourist locations e.g., Northlink terminals and Kirkwall Airport
  • Eligibility to attend local events organised by Creative Orkney
  • Notification of related opportunities, e.g. subsidised photographic /copywriting services/carriage to and from trade fairs
  • Assistance with production of P.O.S. materials
  • Creative Orkney and Made in Orkney logos to be used in own stationary/website/premises
  • Opportunities for contribution to Committee work


£175 per annum. (January 1st- December 31st). If joining after June, half fee applies.

Creative Trail:

The Creative Trail is a separate and additional benefit of membership. If you would like to join the Creative Trail, your business must have a premises suitable for visitors, and have regular and publicised opening times which must be adhered to. Approved road signage is also a requirement and is chargeable. Joining businesses will be able to advertise in the annual Creative Trail brochure. The cost of joining the Creative Trail is currently £300 per annum.

Procedure for all applications (online only):

  • Complete online application form (all relevant sections to be filled in).
  • Application discussed at next Committee meeting (may be specially convened if necessary). Decision made to approve, reject or vet application.
  • Applicant informed of outcome. If unsuccessful applicant is given reasons and constructive input.
  • If successful, applicant is sent an invoice from Creative Orkney which requires immediate payment by cheque or BACS (all payment information required is on the invoice itself).
  • When payment is received, membership becomes active and the member is added to website and Creative Orkney database.

Membership Application Form

I understand that by clicking "Sign Up" I am requesting membership of Creative Orkney and agree to abide with all the rules and requirements that means. This includes the non-refundable payment of any fees as previously notified. (Full Articles of Association and other statutory information can be obtained upon request - View Constitution [PDF])